Hmm..esok dah masuk 1 Disember 2008.. bulan yang sangat aku nanti-nantikan.. dgn harapan ketemu dgn hasil yg baik.. hmm..harap dapat offer sambung Dip.Pendidikan or Kpli.. Bukan x bersyukur dgn offer kerja lain.. Cikgu jgak pun.. at Methodist college yang salib nye besor gilerr.. ntah dr mana pengetua die kenal aku pun xtaktaula.. bersungguh2 die nk aku ajar kat situ.. student yg tua dr aku pun ade most of the student are foreigner.. yg dah ade degree dlm mcm2 bidang dr luar negara... hmm.. but still.. i dun know what 2 say.. really really hope dat Allah will give the best to me.. n really really hope dat the best is to continue.. in Dip.Pend or Kpli.. not teaching in dat Penang Methodist College.. it is not bcoz of the religion.. its not a big deal.. it just a hope inside of me dat nobody knows i think.. only Allah n me knows what happened till i really need it indeed... hahaha.. suddenly teringat lagu Only Hope by Mendy Moore.. Other people can say what ever they want to say..but only me myself knows better.. what is good what is bad.. which is which.. ohh noo... what happened to me??? currently r not in "well-thingking"..huh... -not in the mood-.. why i have to go through this phase for the second time in my whole 23 years life.. n frankly speaking.. i dont like to be like this... macam hidu gam.. diawangan.. tapi kalau hidu gam.. diawangan seronok.. ni diawangan yg x seronok.. hahaha.. n tetiba teringat cerita korea tadi aku tengok xtahu tajuk ape.. the song that have been sang to the heroin in that movie.. lirik die menarik hati daa.. lebih kurang camnila lirik dia.. "u r like flower that have been given to me..u r my flower..heart in heart..just one heart..beating to your sweet aroma, the aroma of your splendor..u r my beautiful flower..blossoming sunset ocean blue.. i am glad i picked u.." hahaha.. jewangs gilerrr... heiii girl..what happened 2 u?? singging this jewangs song.. change it.. rockarena babe.. once in a while.. human hev to change.. huhu.. "every cloud has a silver lining".. harap harap dapat sambung daaa.... muahaha...dats it.. omelan gue di hari ini...
And nie maklumat terbaru..hasil siasatan G.T.N.... utk mira...hehehe... THIS IS PICTURES OF MRHANS (bukan hans isaac) @ MR ANIP my kezen yg comot.. umur 20..diulang.. 20tahun laa... still studying in Saint Petersburg State Marine Techncal Univesty, Rusia.. nk ym ngan die??add ym die ek: suleimanovic88 ...hehe..promotion time... muahaha..jgn marah En.kezen.. En.kezen yg simpan rahsia i..nihla dia... Setelah dirayu..gambar terpaksa diblurkann...hanya utk beberapa jam sahaja tatapan umum semalam..