Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kelas _ _R_ _H_ _ _ _N

3 hari kelas dengan k.kinah..wahahaha...kelas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... kenapa aku ditakdirkan dapat kursus free dari Cikgu Sakinah...ujian dari Allah...

Friday, December 25, 2009


hmm..rasa nak letak gambar ni..waktu g pangkor ngan mira 18 Nov 2008....

Alangkah baiknya...

Alangkah baiknya jika lelaki melihat wanita yang lebih daripadanya sebagai isterinya, ibu kepada anak-anaknya. Dia akan menjadi bangga. Alangkah baiknya jika wanita melihat suami sebagai sahabatnya yang paling akrab dan penentu syurganya, tentu dia akan bersikap hormat dan penyantun sekalipun lelaki itu tidak lebih berkelulusan daripadanya.

Kerap kali kita memohon maaf dan berharap benar agar segala kesalahan kita dimaafkan dan dilupakan sehingga kita seperti tidak pernah melakukan apa-apa yang salah pada orang lain. Namun cabaran letaknya bukan pada memohon maaf tetapi pada memberikannya. Benarlah firman Allah bahawa sebaik-baik infaq ialah maaf. Pesan Allah maafkan dan lupakan! Apakah kamu tidak suka mendapat keampunan daripada-Ku? Betapa mahal maaf sehingga Allah menawarkan keampunan sebagai ganjaran.

I Like this quote I dislike this quote“All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.”Winston Churchill

I'm very sorry dear.......


I have been thinking allot lately about the people in my life that I have loved and lost. How love, and life is such a precious and precarious thing, that can be taken away – in an instant. You can watch family members die for years, or have friends snuffed out in a tragic accident, you can have people turn away from your love, and you yourself can walk away. Love and life. Precious things so easily taken for granted.

I have lost allot of people that I love – to many to count. Most, have died of cancer, but there has also been heart attacks, accidents, other deaths, and emotional distancing. Anyway you slice it, it is the loss of love It is the loss of someone in your life who you love, and there is nothing more painful.

I don’t know if I have ever really taken the time out to deal with the loss that I have felt over the years… I don’t know if I have really said good-bye. From time to time I think about people that I have loved and lost, for whatever reason, and I am filled with a total sadness. I think about those who are still here, and ponder making amends – saying sorry – or asking why. I think about those gone, and I am filled with regrets.

Words never said.

Words never heard.

I think about people who have pushed me away, and how sometimes I brought that pushing onto myself. I think of those who I have pushed away – seeking solitude and suffering alone to companionship. I often think about where my life would be with those people still here. And I think of those in my life now, and I wonder if I will repeat old mistakes? I wonder if they will push my love aide.

Do the people in my life know how much I truly love them?

Do they know how much I truly care.

Do the love me too?

Though out my life I have had my love used against me. People used it to manipulate me: I was the girl with the car, who would drive anywhere. I was the girl with the generous heart, who will always buy dinner and drinks for everyone – even if she cant afford it. I was the girl who could be used to get what you want, and then tossed aside.

Being used has made me jaded.

Being used has made me think – up until recently – that maybe I had no more love to give, for fear of the hurt that comes with the realization that you in fact are being used for who you are, and what you have.
I have been afraid to love.

Has this fear of what has happened in the past, cost me love for the future?

Am I better off not loving at all – because that way, you cant get hurt by simple words and actions – am I better off not being loved?

Will I ever be truly loved?

No matter what I feel about being used, pushed aside, or being the one pushing away, the bottom line is:

They Are Still Here.

There is time to make amends, ask why, or say “I love you”.

But what of those who are no longer here?

What about those who you cant make amends to?

I hold in my heart a lifetimes worth of regrets…. I life times worth of ‘what ifs’

Silent Killer..

I think i found a silent killer....and feel dat i'm dying...coz of d silent killer..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Istana Cinta...

Istana Cinta (OST Cinta Balqis)

Kekaburan alam tika ini terasa
Satu penantian pada suatu ketika
Yang penuh dengan dugaan yang merantaiku

Adakah mampu aku terus mengharungi
Lembah yang berduri kian menusuk hati
Tiada kata yang pasti
Tak ku temui

Tuhanku titiskanlah rahmat yang teragung
Menerangi kalbuku
Cinta suci bersama ke akhir hayatku
Kan ku tunggu

Pencarianku hingga ke sudut dunia
Mengenal kasih yang tiada batasannya
Pengorbananku menanti istana pasti

Tuhanku titiskanlah rahmat yang teragung
Menerangi kalbuku
Cinta suci biarkanlah ku pergi
Menanti pelukanmu

Penyanyi: Eira Syazira
Komposer: Taja Meet Uncle Hussein
Lirik: Arome & Onie


abahku sekeluarga eksiden......dilanggar bas rapid...Allah punya kuasa..tayar belakang kembara tu sekurang2nya menjadi penghalang supaya x menjadi kemalangan ngeri..kalau x da tayar tu mungkin.........nau'zubillah.....yang pasti cermin belakang tu pecah terus..terpelanting sampai ke kepala driver...jadi bdak2 kecik berumur 1 tahun n 4 tahun setengah tu..menangis sampai kul 12 malam akibat terkejut...akupun terkejut mendapat berita ni...aku membayangkan gambaran yg ngeri..sebabnya dirempuh bus rapid yg terkenal dengan kelajuannya...hmm..gegaran yg kuat...semua orang balik dalam keadaan pening...tapi..Alhamdulillah..tidak ada kecederaan...cuma..ape yg nak aku cakap ialah..undang2 malaysia telah membuat kan hidup ramai penduduknya susah...adaka patut..kita xleh claim kat bus atau lori yg langgar kita..jadi terpaksa amik lowyer... hmmmm..itulah..sistem die malaysia tanah airku yg terchentaaa....sekian sahaja....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...