Allah knows what is the best for each of His creation.. Anyone..Anything..Anytime..Anywhere..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 i come..

Nama Apartment ni : Sri Lagenda..(best3x)

*gambar akan dimasukkan kemudian...sebab..internet kat sini sangatla low..i'm waiting for sponsor..ade x yg nk blanja streamyx ka..huhuhu...selamat membelanjakan diri ke arah itu.. huhu... dah update dh pun...huhu..
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ahad Yang Terakhir..
This will be the last AHAD for me..untuk dijalani dengan santainya...kononnya nak digunakan sesantai-santainya...tapi memanglah terlampau santai sampaikan aku x keluar mana lepas balik dari batu feringhi kul 11 pagi tadi..masak..n lepas ni memang tak keluar dah..xnak keluar..sebenarnya...rasa macam nak menyelam...ade tempat best tak untuk menyelam?? rasa nak mnx tukar posting g elok aku dapat johor mesti hang dah p sarawak kan..jadi apakan daya..biarlah aku di ahad yang terakhir untuk aku.. aku x betul...tetiba rasa nak baca blog chika..oh chika~xde cerita best ka?mentang2 dah kawin..terus xde cita best dah...~ i got a feeling dat......................uwaaaa.... and i have 2 accept dat...tak apa naseebah..Allah tahu apa yang baik...z.z.z.z.z....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Setiap orang pasti punya masalah..dan Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya..
Allah berjanji, Dia akan memberikan ujian semampu hambaNya..
Namun terkadang kita sendiri yang menutup jalan keluar dari masalah itu..
Kita yang terlalu mempermasalahkan masalah..
Seorang teman selalu berkata pada kami yang lagi buntu memikirkan masalah..
“Jadikan semua masalah itu sebagai masalah kecil”
Karena menurut teman itu, masalah itu permainan fikiran..
Semakin kita anggap itu masalah besar, maka akan semakin sulit bagi kita untuk mencari jalan keluarnya..Macam dalam matematik tambahan, Makin teliti Makin TIdak KAruan, hehe...Bukan maksud untuk mengabaikan masalah, tapi dengan menjadikan masalah itu sebagai masalah kecil, kita dapat membuat diri kita untuk lebih jelas dengan masalah dan mampu mengatasi masalah tersebut...
tetiba teringat kat lagu D’Masive, yang menulis tentang menghadapi ujian dalam kehidupan..Bahawa hidup ini takkan ada yang terlahir sempurna..
Lirik lagu tu ade sebut :
“Syukuri apa yang ada”
“Hidup adalah anugerah”
“Tetap jalani hidup ini tetap lakukan yang terbaik” Yang jelas....2 point dalam lagu, hidup ini anugerah dan lakukan yang terbaik....huhuhu...
Hidup ini memang suatu ujian..Tapi kalau dilihat dari sudut yang lain, hidup ini anugerah..huhu..Di dalam ujian itu terdapat anugerah hidup yang luar biasa
Bayangkan kalau seandainya kita hidup lurus-lurus ja, tanpa ada ujian,kita x akan pernah menghadapi masalah, kita xkan dapat untuk belajar bertahan..Kalau kita masih ingat, orang mungkin pernah cakap “setiap bayi yg lahir akan cuba merangkak berjalan dan berlari tapi setiap percubaan yg dibuat mesti akan ada jatuh dan luka..tinggalkan parut..tapi..bayi xkan pernah frust utk belajar berjalan dan berlarii sampai die mampu berdiri dan berlari"...Kalo didalami maksudnya lagi, maksud dari perkataan itu adalah ketika kita terjatuh, maka kita sudah mendekati hasil dan matlamat...Jadi, ujian-ujian tersebut adalah anugerah..Tanpa ujian atau masalah, kita takkan dewasa...huhu..tetiba teringat..dah lama xberjumpa dengan sepupu sepapat......yang di filipin dan singapura...last i jumpa derang...waktu tuh umur i 14 atau 15...huhu..itupun derang datang malaysia...hmm..nak kumpul duitlah..nak p melawat...huhuhu...
teringat pula satu post yg kawan tulis... setiap tahun tahun selalu ada saja yang berkurang...People come and go..Semua itu pasti terjadi, entah besok, lusa, minggu depan atau bahkan sesaat lagi..
Kita harus percaya itu...
Yang akhirnya membuat kerinduan yang besar kepada kita yang ditinggalkan
Mereka yang biasanya ikut tertawa bersama
Mereka yang biasanya ikut bercerita bersama
Mereka yang biasanya ikut bernyanyi bersama
Dan mereka yang biasanya ikut gembira bersama
Dan i yakin bukan hanya i aja yang rasa macam tu
Tapi seluruh keluarga, kerabat, kita semua, dan orang-orang yang pernah dekat dengan sesiapa yg disayangi..huhu....ape maksud ayat i tuh?? maksud i...kita dan sesiapa yg kita sayyang..yg pernah ada..dan sudah tiada..atau hilang..hehe...mati tanpa kubur?? huhu...apapun...kita jangan sesekali ambil mudah tentang setiap yg ada dlm hidup kita..ibu..ayah..isteri..anak..sahabat?musuh?hhmmm...semuanya...
Allah berjanji, Dia akan memberikan ujian semampu hambaNya..
Namun terkadang kita sendiri yang menutup jalan keluar dari masalah itu..
Kita yang terlalu mempermasalahkan masalah..
Seorang teman selalu berkata pada kami yang lagi buntu memikirkan masalah..
“Jadikan semua masalah itu sebagai masalah kecil”
Karena menurut teman itu, masalah itu permainan fikiran..
Semakin kita anggap itu masalah besar, maka akan semakin sulit bagi kita untuk mencari jalan keluarnya..Macam dalam matematik tambahan, Makin teliti Makin TIdak KAruan, hehe...Bukan maksud untuk mengabaikan masalah, tapi dengan menjadikan masalah itu sebagai masalah kecil, kita dapat membuat diri kita untuk lebih jelas dengan masalah dan mampu mengatasi masalah tersebut...
tetiba teringat kat lagu D’Masive, yang menulis tentang menghadapi ujian dalam kehidupan..Bahawa hidup ini takkan ada yang terlahir sempurna..
Lirik lagu tu ade sebut :
“Syukuri apa yang ada”
“Hidup adalah anugerah”
“Tetap jalani hidup ini tetap lakukan yang terbaik” Yang jelas....2 point dalam lagu, hidup ini anugerah dan lakukan yang terbaik....huhuhu...
Hidup ini memang suatu ujian..Tapi kalau dilihat dari sudut yang lain, hidup ini anugerah..huhu..Di dalam ujian itu terdapat anugerah hidup yang luar biasa
Bayangkan kalau seandainya kita hidup lurus-lurus ja, tanpa ada ujian,kita x akan pernah menghadapi masalah, kita xkan dapat untuk belajar bertahan..Kalau kita masih ingat, orang mungkin pernah cakap “setiap bayi yg lahir akan cuba merangkak berjalan dan berlari tapi setiap percubaan yg dibuat mesti akan ada jatuh dan luka..tinggalkan parut..tapi..bayi xkan pernah frust utk belajar berjalan dan berlarii sampai die mampu berdiri dan berlari"...Kalo didalami maksudnya lagi, maksud dari perkataan itu adalah ketika kita terjatuh, maka kita sudah mendekati hasil dan matlamat...Jadi, ujian-ujian tersebut adalah anugerah..Tanpa ujian atau masalah, kita takkan dewasa...huhu..tetiba teringat..dah lama xberjumpa dengan sepupu sepapat......yang di filipin dan singapura...last i jumpa derang...waktu tuh umur i 14 atau 15...huhu..itupun derang datang malaysia...hmm..nak kumpul duitlah..nak p melawat...huhuhu...
teringat pula satu post yg kawan tulis... setiap tahun tahun selalu ada saja yang berkurang...People come and go..Semua itu pasti terjadi, entah besok, lusa, minggu depan atau bahkan sesaat lagi..
Kita harus percaya itu...
Yang akhirnya membuat kerinduan yang besar kepada kita yang ditinggalkan
Mereka yang biasanya ikut tertawa bersama
Mereka yang biasanya ikut bercerita bersama
Mereka yang biasanya ikut bernyanyi bersama
Dan mereka yang biasanya ikut gembira bersama
Dan i yakin bukan hanya i aja yang rasa macam tu
Tapi seluruh keluarga, kerabat, kita semua, dan orang-orang yang pernah dekat dengan sesiapa yg disayangi..huhu....ape maksud ayat i tuh?? maksud i...kita dan sesiapa yg kita sayyang..yg pernah ada..dan sudah tiada..atau hilang..hehe...mati tanpa kubur?? huhu...apapun...kita jangan sesekali ambil mudah tentang setiap yg ada dlm hidup kita..ibu..ayah..isteri..anak..sahabat?musuh?hhmmm...semuanya...
Don't Take Things For Granted
Oh Allah......what is my problem????
Have you ever stopped to thank your body for all the wonderful things it does for you? How your fingers type what you are thinking or how your legs move or eyes blink? I bet you have not thanked them!
These are just some of the things we take for granted. We take have houses, jobs and even families for granted. There are so many people in the world who do not even have food to eat and you complain about what to make for dinner? We do not always think about things like this but we should. If we take 5 minutes of our time to help another, it may save a life.
I personally hate seeing someone suffer so i do my best to help them in any way i can. I'm no Siti Khadijah R.A but i do believe one hand washes another. Do unto others as you want done unto you. So take time out to help someone less fortunate than you.
A smile. Something so simple can light up a room and give off positive energy. It is very contagious and takes less effort. All of these things give you reason to smile. But as we go through our daily and busy lives, we forget to smile. The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile, followed by a kind word. Give someone a smile and watch them smile back. It's a day brightener. Like what Shafik and Anis said to me before...."pliz smile naseebah..dont show ur masam kelat face.." huhu... so sorry shafik and anis coz i have forgoten dat my smile can brighten up ur day..huhu..
So useful advice: smile whenever you can, laugh at the things you should and grab opportunities with both hands. A small contribution of any kind goes a long way. And remember to thank your body! Luv U dear...luv u ol my frenz..
Have you ever stopped to thank your body for all the wonderful things it does for you? How your fingers type what you are thinking or how your legs move or eyes blink? I bet you have not thanked them!
These are just some of the things we take for granted. We take have houses, jobs and even families for granted. There are so many people in the world who do not even have food to eat and you complain about what to make for dinner? We do not always think about things like this but we should. If we take 5 minutes of our time to help another, it may save a life.
I personally hate seeing someone suffer so i do my best to help them in any way i can. I'm no Siti Khadijah R.A but i do believe one hand washes another. Do unto others as you want done unto you. So take time out to help someone less fortunate than you.
A smile. Something so simple can light up a room and give off positive energy. It is very contagious and takes less effort. All of these things give you reason to smile. But as we go through our daily and busy lives, we forget to smile. The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile, followed by a kind word. Give someone a smile and watch them smile back. It's a day brightener. Like what Shafik and Anis said to me before...."pliz smile naseebah..dont show ur masam kelat face.." huhu... so sorry shafik and anis coz i have forgoten dat my smile can brighten up ur day..huhu..
So useful advice: smile whenever you can, laugh at the things you should and grab opportunities with both hands. A small contribution of any kind goes a long way. And remember to thank your body! Luv U dear...luv u ol my frenz..
Friday, January 8, 2010
Who Am I Meant to Be?
First of all, thank you Norhasmira Abd rashid for promoting a good quiz to help me figure out what really defines me. This quiz based on personality science..hehehe...
My scores:
Striving to help: 16
Striving to be recognized: 14
Striving to be creative: 11
Striving to be spontaneous: 13
Striving to be knowledgeable: 13
Striving to be secure: 19
Striving to be in control: 12
The highest score is~
You are a stabilizer: You are the rock in a storm, the one others lean on. Loyal and com-mitted in your relationships, you maintain a support system of like-minded people whom you look out for. (So what if you do it behind the scenes and don't get credit?) You're careful with money, cherish the familiar, and defend the traditions you care about.
What to watch out for: Rapidly changing environments (like a shaky economy) are very hard for you. As a result of such instability, you can spiral into a state where everything seems catastrophic and you're sure life will only get worse. You can also become overcontrolling, rejecting any suggestion that doesn't conform to your idea of the way things should be. To avoid being too rigid, each month try changing one habit. Exper-iment with clothes, drive a different way to work, initiate conversations about subjects you wouldn't normally discuss. And when the opportunity arises to do something new, avoid the impulse to immediately say no—this may be nerve-racking, but the more you practice, the less anxious you'll feel.
Looking ahead: You find meaning in pursuing safety and certainty. Focusing on family can give you great satisfaction. Also consider planting a vegetable garden, hosting class reunions, volunteering as a lifeguard, teaching at your church or temple. In the work arena, look for positions where you're responsible for others, and for making sure everyone is following the rules. You work well in any environment that is stable and consistent. Careers in government, finance, the military, law enforcement, and product manufacturing are strong options for you.
... and here is the right career for me:
like mira said, deep thinking and an inventive spirit help this type excel in fields like:
for those who Strive to be secure: Stable, accurate, and with an unbending attention to detail, this type does well in jobs that have consistency, such as:
Accountants (mungkin...ade ciri..)
Electrical engineers (haha..takut short ja..)
Dentists (haha..lagi la x..)
School administrators (its not me..)
Public servants
Computer programmers (nop..)
The second highest is:
You scored: 16
You are a nurturer: You are caring and supportive in your personal relationships as well as in your job. Unselfish and altruistic by nature, you often anticipate the needs of those around you before they are aware of them. If there is one thing that brings you satisfaction, it's tending to others.
What to watch out for: When you're doing things for people only to feel valued, you can become resentful. And if you sense that your help is not appreciated, you may end up playing the martyr. So before giving your time to everyone else, make sure to take care of yourself (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). And practice waiting until someone asks for help: While you may be able to perceive what a person needs, that doesn't mean she wants you to attend to it.
Looking ahead: It's important for you to be genuinely of service in acknowledged ways. Whether you foster a child, care for an elderly aunt, rescue animals, or support a rock star's career as her personal assistant, look for opportunities where you can help other people or bigger causes. Volunteer work has your name written on it, as do many careers: nursing, teaching, customer service, healing, social work. Don't feel pressured to run the company or lead the project; you may be even more effective as someone's right hand. And you'll likely find working with other people more meaningful than flying solo.
... and here is the right career for me:
for me who striving to help: A need to take care of other people is important to this type, who thrives in professions like:
Career counselor (ngeh3x..selaluja jd tp yang x bertauliah..hehe)
Psychologist (muahahaha..sesuai ker??)
Massage therapist (nak...heh..sendiri pun kena terapi..hehe)
Development, or Training Consultant (want to try..)
Wedding Planner (bestnyerrrrrrr)
My Conclusion: Striving to help ni sepatutnya lebih tinggi dari Striving to be secure..Coz thrives in professions pun banyak yg xsesuai for striving to be secure.. yang dalam striving to help to banyak yg sesuai dengan jiwa...muahahaha....jeng3x.. kiranya yang paling best WEDDING PLANNER..HAHAHAHA... WANT TO TRY DIS QUIZ CLICK HERE
My scores:
Striving to help: 16
Striving to be recognized: 14
Striving to be creative: 11
Striving to be spontaneous: 13
Striving to be knowledgeable: 13
Striving to be secure: 19
Striving to be in control: 12
The highest score is~
You are a stabilizer: You are the rock in a storm, the one others lean on. Loyal and com-mitted in your relationships, you maintain a support system of like-minded people whom you look out for. (So what if you do it behind the scenes and don't get credit?) You're careful with money, cherish the familiar, and defend the traditions you care about.
What to watch out for: Rapidly changing environments (like a shaky economy) are very hard for you. As a result of such instability, you can spiral into a state where everything seems catastrophic and you're sure life will only get worse. You can also become overcontrolling, rejecting any suggestion that doesn't conform to your idea of the way things should be. To avoid being too rigid, each month try changing one habit. Exper-iment with clothes, drive a different way to work, initiate conversations about subjects you wouldn't normally discuss. And when the opportunity arises to do something new, avoid the impulse to immediately say no—this may be nerve-racking, but the more you practice, the less anxious you'll feel.
Looking ahead: You find meaning in pursuing safety and certainty. Focusing on family can give you great satisfaction. Also consider planting a vegetable garden, hosting class reunions, volunteering as a lifeguard, teaching at your church or temple. In the work arena, look for positions where you're responsible for others, and for making sure everyone is following the rules. You work well in any environment that is stable and consistent. Careers in government, finance, the military, law enforcement, and product manufacturing are strong options for you.
... and here is the right career for me:
like mira said, deep thinking and an inventive spirit help this type excel in fields like:
for those who Strive to be secure: Stable, accurate, and with an unbending attention to detail, this type does well in jobs that have consistency, such as:
Accountants (mungkin...ade ciri..)
Electrical engineers (haha..takut short ja..)
Dentists (haha..lagi la x..)
School administrators (its not me..)
Public servants
Computer programmers (nop..)
The second highest is:
You scored: 16
You are a nurturer: You are caring and supportive in your personal relationships as well as in your job. Unselfish and altruistic by nature, you often anticipate the needs of those around you before they are aware of them. If there is one thing that brings you satisfaction, it's tending to others.
What to watch out for: When you're doing things for people only to feel valued, you can become resentful. And if you sense that your help is not appreciated, you may end up playing the martyr. So before giving your time to everyone else, make sure to take care of yourself (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). And practice waiting until someone asks for help: While you may be able to perceive what a person needs, that doesn't mean she wants you to attend to it.
Looking ahead: It's important for you to be genuinely of service in acknowledged ways. Whether you foster a child, care for an elderly aunt, rescue animals, or support a rock star's career as her personal assistant, look for opportunities where you can help other people or bigger causes. Volunteer work has your name written on it, as do many careers: nursing, teaching, customer service, healing, social work. Don't feel pressured to run the company or lead the project; you may be even more effective as someone's right hand. And you'll likely find working with other people more meaningful than flying solo.
... and here is the right career for me:
for me who striving to help: A need to take care of other people is important to this type, who thrives in professions like:
Career counselor (ngeh3x..selaluja jd tp yang x bertauliah..hehe)
Psychologist (muahahaha..sesuai ker??)
Massage therapist (nak...heh..sendiri pun kena terapi..hehe)
Development, or Training Consultant (want to try..)
Wedding Planner (bestnyerrrrrrr)
My Conclusion: Striving to help ni sepatutnya lebih tinggi dari Striving to be secure..Coz thrives in professions pun banyak yg xsesuai for striving to be secure.. yang dalam striving to help to banyak yg sesuai dengan jiwa...muahahaha....jeng3x.. kiranya yang paling best WEDDING PLANNER..HAHAHAHA... WANT TO TRY DIS QUIZ CLICK HERE
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